Azeryth Gilphyre
Princess | Dancer | Vampire

Name: Azeryth Gilphyre
Age: Mid-20s
Race: Viera (Veena);
Height: 165cm (Excluding ears)
Birthplace: Elaedia; The Eleventh Reflection
Personality: Well-mannered, Stubborn, Sarcastic, Broody
Story Overview
Azeryth was born under the royal name of the Gilphyres some 25 moons ago in the Eleventh reflection. A star blessed with long twilights that last nearly double that of Etheirys, its lands bountiful with aether in soft violet glow. Azeryth's family is the royal crown of Elaedia (mirrored to the Source's Eorzea) and has ruled over The Great Continent for hundreds of years in peace. Those who lived within the city-state of Ira'del prospered greatly from the kindness and generosity afforded to them by the crown. However, the lands surrounding Ira'del had suffered long broiled tensions amongst their several factions of peoples that did not see eye-to-eye with the royal family. One of which rose above the others suddenly around 2 years prior to our current story when a Voidsent of terrible power named Luciano appeared to meddle in the affairs of such conflicts. Over the course of a year's worth of moons Elaedia would be plagued with a sickness referred to by mages and chirurgeons alike as "Aetherial Degenerative Flow Disease". The term "Vampire" used more commonly by peoples outside of Ira'del and the lands beyond after certain traits of those afflicted came to bear striking similarities to the beings of yore. Those who would make pacts with Luciano or his minions would find themselves unable to produce their own aether supply which turned catalyst to an uprising the likes of which the peaceful kingdom had never seen. Unprepared and overwhelmed by Luciano's mounted forces, the princess would make haste for a mass exodus planned for her star (with the help of the greatest Milallan minds of Elaedia). As Azeryth was fleeing the ship bound for the First, she was caught by Luciano and marked during a struggle between the two. She managed to escape with what little life she had left but Luciano damaged the navigation control of her pod, which is how she ended up in the Source instead. She's been in the Source for a little over 6 months now and still has much to learn about the world before her. Currently she is classified as a special envoy from the 11th and is being monitored by The Forum of Old Sharlayan and her vampirism studied by the Students of Baldesion. Azeryth should have a guard present with her if she is to be traveling abroad but she might be a touch too confident in her abilities to accept this some days.The rest you'll have to discover for yourself, adventurer!
The Crown's Jewel
Being a princess to her land's most influential family has left Azeryth in a gilded cage. One that she's maybe been dying to escape for some time...
The Dancing Rose
A blonde Feina dons a mask and silken garb adorned with blood-red rubies. She dances in the moon's light tantalizing and suspending audiences in radiant bliss night after starry night. A well-kept secret from her parents since she was 17...was this her way of escaping from the weight of her responsibilities?
No More Namazus!
The poor girl really despises seeing the Namazu in the Source. Their kind were no small factor in the initial attack on her peoples and were classified by generals as warlords. Just being in the mere vicinity of one is sure to elicit some kind of ill-boding comment from the Viera.
Vampire's Masquerade
To satiate Azeryth's newfound bloodlust she's carried with her certain abilities to assist her with securing a bite when she's in need of a fresh supply. She casts "Masquerade", creating a time bubble around herself and her willing supplier which freezes their bodies to the waking world for a short passage of time. This aids in not arousing any needless conflict or panic. Masquerade II allows her to shift into another race for a brief period, perfect for making a hasty retreat from enemies.
Masq. II expends a massive amount of aether!

Discord: .Azeryth
Hey there, I'm Jackie or often am addressed by my character name Azeryth/Aze. If you're interested in writing something with me please feel free to reach out via Discord or send a /Tell in-game if I'm around.
- 21+ preferred for mature/dark themes
- When the RP tag is up in-game I'm strictly responding IC.
- OOC I keep with (( )) or [ ]
- Respect that while I mirror certain aspects of Azeryth I am not my character.
- Always use OOC before initiating a scene with my character. I'd like to know that we are on the same page for things!
- If I establish a boundary with you OOC I expect you to respect it. It goes both ways!
- SFW/Wholesome scenes (NSFW if discussed OOC beforehand/if story appropriate.)
- Address my character as Azeryth/Aze or something simple. (IE. "Bun" is fine)
- Offer to lend your assistance to her causes or general protection.
- Offer to show Azeryth the many sights and wonders that the Source has to offer.
- Mention of Scions, she's heard about their deeds echoed in the Eleventh.
- If you are a WoL please let me know this OOC before we start writing!
- Initiate casual dialogue with this character. Public roleplay is fine! (RP tag is usually up when I'm down for this.)
- Do not touch or approach my character in a sexual nature without any prior relations with her storywise. It's weird and doesn't make sense! Also she's liable to attack you.
- If my character says she's not interested in something, do not try to push her into things.
- Don't call her "Princess" unless you have established that kind of relationship with her to address her as such. Just "Aze" is fine!
- Do not ask her to "turn" your character. She views her vampirism as a curse and treats it as such.
- Do not underestimate the girl.
Music Inspo
Artists I listen to while I'm writing that inspire certain scenes... x
Depeche Mode
Sleep Token
The Decemberists
Awaken I Am
Coheed And Cambria
She Wants Revenge
WIFI Access
90% of my outfits are on WIFI, so if you have Mare and would like to connect with me send me a /Tell in-game if you're needing access for it. If you're weird at any point I will remove you though so...don't be a little freak! x